But I experience it all now.. When I decorate my house with flowers. Light the lamp.. Its not that I am very religious its just that I love doing it. Now being in Bangalore I have access to lots of variety of flowers-lovely different colours- purple, yellow, white, red, pink..
Today being Janmashtami I went for flower shopping last evening... I was safe as in Bangalore Janmashtami is not a big scale celebration... Flowers were costly but not as costly as Lakshmi pooja time where they rose to almost 6 times... So here I was amidst the splash of lovely vibrant colours and not to forget the eternal smell of mogra.. An old lady making the veni and rows of laaris selling variety of flowers... I was going greedy I spent 100 bucks on the flowers... I could keep them in my fridge for a week so kind of was ok... Came back home with hands full...veggies n flowers all stuffed...
I had already checked with my mom asto what all needs to be done for Janmashtami the correct ritualistic way and had prepared for all.. made kolam-the tamil word for rangoli... made small footsteps leading to the pooja area.. decorated all with lovely rose petals.. The pooja area was a blank board for me and I had all the liberty to paint my design with flowers... I so very much enjoyed the small place with those flowers.. matching the whites with reds, playing with the tulsi leaves and yellow colour flower petals.. It seemed like I was a small kid who has just been gifted a new set of colours.. hahahha The main topping was the lamp... I generally light just one but this time I lit 5.. The room was filled with the essence of agarbatti.. The light adorning the pooja place... I really felt the positivity... Certain things in life do make a difference to your day, your outlook.
I have made it a point to indulge in these flower showers once in a while.. Not to miss the festivals generating these opportunities.. The maid has been not coming since a week and I am too lazy to clean so will make sure I don't spoil... But last evening I worried about nothing n decorated my house... I am gonna break my back today cleaning all but its ok.... I am taking the liberty to indulge in these small bits of happiness so cleaning will manage... Nahi kiya to bhi kya...
So guys I am back to blogging.. I hope I don't have rare appearances and I actually get down to make the pannes really rangeen...
Till my next blog
Keep Smiling