Well it is embarrassing but its the truth "I am SCARED of technology and the area around it" It may include the latest gadgets or some innovative stuff or even a normal template change (I messed up Lopa's favorite cooking blog template unknowingly!!! ) hahah
I don't know why I am like this...
Well the inspiration for me to write this post is that I could successfully look for a better template and apply the same to my blog.. hahahha This is like a nursery going kiddo being able to write a A and being damn excited about it...
My husband just left for Nl and he was like I am gonna get some real good gift from there.. I was like wht???? n he excitedly said probably an Ipad... I was like nooooooooooooooooooo please dont do this.. He was like i will get u an Iphone...I screamed yelled..no no please dont waste money on such things.. I will never do justice to it. For anyone else of my age this would have been the most exciting thing someone getting an Ipad.. But for me...I am scared to use these gadgets. I am very careless with them too
You will laugh when I say that I don't know how to type a message on my Hubby's E71 I am very comfortable with mine. He has google maps, gtalk, everything on his mobile and is always available on the go. He reads news on his way to office, checks his mails and is connected. I believe in the times of today everyone is tech savvy atleast to this level and beyond. Its the time, work and interest that is driving people. But I think I am a part of the small community who feel that those times were better when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits. hahah
I am being continuously persuaded to explore my designing and creative skills with some good animation course. You ask me to draw on paper, paint I will happily do but computer no ways...I am a handicap.
My post will surely raise one doubt how do I survive in the professional and competitive world of today. Well I know only how much is needed and the sign of a good manager is the one who does not do stuff himself but gets it done.hahhaah (only an excuse to hide my technical incapability)
Have a laptop to do my normal work. I will go to gmail and facebook but will not try fring or ovi even when my phone allows lotta interesting stuff to do.
My bro left for US 7 years back and since then I have been pushing my mom to learn the basics of e-mailing n chatting. But in vain. When I show her pictures on my laptop she will ask which button to press now :) Her sis, my aunt is a tech savvy n has an acct on fb too.Her work always demanded her familiarity with computers and even after retiring her interest has kept things going.
My work has forced me to learn many things on technical end and I am happy about it but the fact remains that I have technophobia hahaha. I am not sure when I will get over this. If I get over this in coming 3 months it will be beneficial as I can add something important in my Gifts list;) hahahha
here i fail again....Hetu just sent me a message saying she could not post a comment... I tried and failed...I could very well see the misalignment with this template.. and now this message posting issue brings me back to the regular templates... Oh how I wish this latest experiment would have been successful and I would have that chocolate template..... But I think I need to take some inspiration from the little ant to try try and try harder.. but arent technical stuff tougher than just climbing up...
Rangeen Panne
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Flower Shower

But I experience it all now.. When I decorate my house with flowers. Light the lamp.. Its not that I am very religious its just that I love doing it. Now being in Bangalore I have access to lots of variety of flowers-lovely different colours- purple, yellow, white, red, pink..
Today being Janmashtami I went for flower shopping last evening... I was safe as in Bangalore Janmashtami is not a big scale celebration... Flowers were costly but not as costly as Lakshmi pooja time where they rose to almost 6 times... So here I was amidst the splash of lovely vibrant colours and not to forget the eternal smell of mogra.. An old lady making the veni and rows of laaris selling variety of flowers... I was going greedy I spent 100 bucks on the flowers... I could keep them in my fridge for a week so kind of was ok... Came back home with hands full...veggies n flowers all stuffed...
I had already checked with my mom asto what all needs to be done for Janmashtami the correct ritualistic way and had prepared for all.. made kolam-the tamil word for rangoli... made small footsteps leading to the pooja area.. decorated all with lovely rose petals.. The pooja area was a blank board for me and I had all the liberty to paint my design with flowers... I so very much enjoyed the small place with those flowers.. matching the whites with reds, playing with the tulsi leaves and yellow colour flower petals.. It seemed like I was a small kid who has just been gifted a new set of colours.. hahahha The main topping was the lamp... I generally light just one but this time I lit 5.. The room was filled with the essence of agarbatti.. The light adorning the pooja place... I really felt the positivity... Certain things in life do make a difference to your day, your outlook.
I have made it a point to indulge in these flower showers once in a while.. Not to miss the festivals generating these opportunities.. The maid has been not coming since a week and I am too lazy to clean so will make sure I don't spoil... But last evening I worried about nothing n decorated my house... I am gonna break my back today cleaning all but its ok.... I am taking the liberty to indulge in these small bits of happiness so cleaning will manage... Nahi kiya to bhi kya...
So guys I am back to blogging.. I hope I don't have rare appearances and I actually get down to make the pannes really rangeen...
Till my next blog
Keep Smiling
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Chick Ricks
I always wanted to write something abt this when I saw the first interesting rick but then I was waiting for another one to get that inspiration to a much higher level that would coax me to write something about it.
Life has been truly mundane with the same morning walk of 10 mins to catch a rick... Out of 6 whom u ask one would finally agree to take u to ur workplace. Not to forget the bargaining that goes in. As per meter it would be 70 but these buggers will ask 100 and I to stand strong will wait for even 20 mins but will go with a rick guy who goes by meter... Its the same road, same traffic, same set of ppl crossing, same shops that I see everyday. Thought of reading a book while travelling but then that didn't turn out as a good option. Amidst traffic noise I get distracted.. Then the all time support radio. But then within that 1 hour the songs tend to repeat every 2-3 days so sometimes that gets boring too... Well I come in the 20% of data taken into account for radio song listing frequency stuff. Wont blabber too much of my radio knowledge here will start getting too technical ahhaha ok so I was talking about the boredom in travel...
In these journeys to office and back home once in a while cool and chick ricks really make u smile n say sooper.... well the first rick.. complete musical theme.. nice maroon Brown n beige colour theme... damn comfortable seats like those of the theatres- push back is for next gen ricks heheh and then the back rest of the rick guy's seat was in shape of a guitar... WOW I immediately told him channagethiye... saru che in Kannada (I have learnt enough to talk n fight with rick guys thats it) ahhahah I was so damn happy to see something interesting.. maja padi gayi...
The other rick had a nice platform for Idols of God... as in just above the steering (I fail to know the correct terminology for ricks hahaha) ok so he had a nice wooden platform with Shirdi Sai bana idol in the centre with an amazing backdrop of peepal leaf shape/colour creation.. Place for agarbatti and all... Most of the ricks here will have flowers hanging but this was hatke n nice...
The third one had something which everyone knows of lights- I feel totally embarassed to sit in such ricks but... if its late in evening and nobody is ready to take u home then u dont bother much about the rick haahaha. Most of the ricks that I have seen have one light in centre blue colur n they will roam about flaunting their terrible fatela speakers haha... but this one's rick was decorated like a bride.. It was completely illuminated.. different coloured lights all blinking away to glory in perfect sync n pattern. it seemed all of them were playing chuk chuk gadi...
Such chick ricks surely make a difference while travelling (wont get into small or big difference cause its very relative)... Something nice something different and ya something to talk about... I told all the three guys super cool designs... 2 got amused.. probably none must have told them n the other one just simply smiled....
Until next blog keep smiling...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Khaali Panne
Well that seems to be an appropriate title for today's post. My friends Lopa and Rajesh asked me the same question same day.. Why arent u writing anything.. Well wanted to write so much but just could not get time off playing bejeweled on FB hehheh. Well was new to blogging so had my own inhibitions which Lopa successfully helped me get rid of.. So here I am writing.. But ya the Bejeweled thing is not wrong either.. Last week I made a record breaking score and unfortunately every week the scoreboards are cleared n now I no longer hold that title. In addition to add to my woes other friends have reached a good score and I am yet to out do them so... Koshish Jaari hai ki aaj shayad hamari baari hai...
Last week has been a happening week for me. For one good reaason that we shifted to a new house. The old one was cute small one. Strong memories attached. The place where I began my journey as a Homemaker. Never knew that in few months would gather so many assets- dead or good thats a separate issue haha.. So haan what I was saying is the clutter got so much that we really didnt have enough space. Ventilation had always been a problem. So with the hope that my health would improve with a much bigger house we moved into another. Well thats not all yaar. We have been hunting for a good house since past 8 months. My mom who had come to see me in march was also a prt of it. No idea of place roads and horrible rick guys.. but she went and saw areas which I had never heard of.. Brave... So since nothing was happening on the house part and suddenly this clicked so happy happy.. It was a case of Bagal mein chora, gaon mein dhindhora... This was the house of my doc who had operated my eyes when in the initial months of stay at Bangalore... Very good family friend too... But as they say sabka ek sahi waqt hota hai. And things happen only at that specific right time..
Its been 4 days in my new Home and things are going great. I now know what is sunlight..This has got 3 huge balconies. I love sitting in balconies writing some philosophy stuff in hindi with a hot cup of adu wali cha.
It was tiring the first 2 days arranging and all but then in laws helped me out with it.. Trying to experiment with different colours of curtains and look. Its all well till now.. The earlier home did not have car park or even a 2 wheeler parking area. While this one has. Currently naggin Sriram for a 2 wheeler... Let see..
I think I should now get back to office work. The proposals are giving me a bad stare. I have left them all incomplete.
Happy Blogging
Monday, June 22, 2009
Day 1
Well this is supposed to be my first attempt at blogging. I have always loved writing but never sharing. Or for that matter its been real long since I even attempted penning down my thoughts.. Till my dear friend Lopa tickled those instincts... So here I am at Blogspot. And she has strictly asked me put a BIG word of Thank you to her and mention her name in my first blog... So Lopa this one is for you...
THANKS for actually getting me in here. I should actually put in a bigger thanks as you have promised to read my blogs nad comment too... hehheh I know atleast someone is reading...
Well I was just telling Lopa that I am struggling to find a good name for my blog.. and I really didn't have the patience to sit and search for long so freezed at this thought "rangeen panne" which came in as 3-4th thought.. Life as such is a book that we all have to read not knowing what lies ahead.. A mystery which comes up some different interesting colours all the time....
So here I begin my journey of blogging Rangeen Panne with the help of my wonderful friend.
Until my next post keep smiling.
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